Last updated on January 19th, 2022 at 06:48 am
When you visit the LinkedIn profile of a person, the summary is the first thing after the profile picture in which you take interest and reach out to that individual. But many people face huge difficulty in writing a LinkedIn summary. Truly it is a difficult task.
Whether you are into digital marketing, sales, software development, consultancy, startup, or any field, a good introduction is a must for you to have. No matter what industry or niche you belong in, having a good and well-updated LinkedIn profile will increase your chances of being hired, if not noticed, by potential hiring managers and employers. LinkedIn is a place where people adopt multiple marketing strategies to remain consistent in the market. A good LinkedIn bio is also one of those strategies.
In this blog, you are going to get the ideas of the things which you should take care of while writing an amazing LinkedIn summary for yourself. I am sharing a few examples of LinkedIn summaries of persons from different industries. Get along and take inspiration.
10 points to keep in mind to write an amazing LinkedIn summary
In every sense, LinkedIn is also a great exchange platform of opportunities. Companies post about their requirements and look for smart professionals.
If you are a good fit, then Congratulations, you will grab the opportunity!
Think of your LinkedIn profile summary as the description section of a product. If the buyer gets the desired things in the description, he or she will purchase the product.
So, you have to put a short crisp idea about your work, your specialties that are useful from the point of view of the person looking at your profile.
People often think of Linked as an online resume. So they end up having a boring or an average profile. Let’s read how to write an amazing LinkedIn summary with the help of these tips:
1. Keep Things easy not too casual not too professional
Prose and written language register differently in our brain. That means you can’t just type what you would normally say in a day-to-day conversation.
Talking is an instinct. While reading and writing aren’t. For starters, you need clarity and elegance in your writing.
You need to remove unnecessary words from your sentences. Pay close attention and you’ll see that there are unnecessary words in it.
Having too many unnecessary words can be exhausting for them.
Second, open a thesaurus and use power words. Some words have a deeper impact.
2. Insert a Call to Action at the end
Suppose if you are selling a course, you can mention the website from where one can view or buy your course.
In this way, you are adding a point of interaction for the viewer.
HugoGuerreiro, from The Men Hero, shares his experience and says, “When writing a LinkedIn summary, consider using a call to action at the end, small paragraphs, explain your skills, show what you can do for a future employer, demonstrate a passion for what you do, and show some personality to make your profile distinct from others.”
You should use some industry-related keywords, like if you are in the digital marketing industry, make sure you use relevant terms like SEO, Google AdWords, Google Search Console, email marketing, building brand equity, etc.”
So keep this in mind and try to make an interesting line to conclude your LinkedIn profile summary.
Here are a few suggestions for Call to action(CTA) like message me at or email me with to add at the end of your LinkedIn summary
3. Optimize your headline with Keywords
Your headline is one of the important factors in your LinkedIn profile. Put in keywords from search results and tell in very clear and concise points about what you do!
It would be amazing if you’re a service provider and you stacked your wins in the summary- this way people would know you’re not just a talker, but a doer.
You can put service provision keywords like Social Media Strategist, Digital Marketing Consultant, Company Executive, Sr Engineer, or whatever suitable as per your work profile.
Anyone looking for the mentioned services will at once identify you as the potential person to contact with.
4. Highlight your Summary Like a Billboard
The Linkedin profile summary serves different uses depending on your position and goals.
For a job seeker, the Linkedin bio is like a blog header. It enables you to use keywords that are commonly employed by recruiters when looking for prospective candidates.
For a manager, the Linkedin bio is your selling header. It sells your skills, position, and your business at the same time.
Even though summaries work great for people in the creative industries, they’re pretty normal for everyone.
A good summary often blends your professional experience and the fun side. It balances the two with two. In essence, using a summary is like your elevator pitch. It sells you without shouting “for sale” like a billboard.
Alina Clark from CocoDoc shares her experience and says, “Use it to tell your story, in your own words.”
For example: “I have never made any promises that I can’t deliver in my professional career”. Instead of “Always deliver on promises”.
5. Give it a Personal Touch
As cliché as it sounds, everyone is different. What makes you different from other people doing the same role as you? This can be the involvement in groups or hobbies inside or outside of the workplace.
Some great ones are if you’re involved in a social sport, regularly go to meet-ups or talks on your industry, or organize your team socials.
Or perhaps you’re involved in Diversity and Inclusion in your company, or part of a charity and involved in volunteering?
Think about what is genuinely important to you and gets you excited about the day. This is important to include as it makes your profile more interesting, and people can make connections with you based on interests.
They’re a great conversation starter whether you’re looking for a new role, or to increase your network of connections.
6. Experiment with Pinch of Emojis
LinkedIn isn’t only a social media platform but it’s also a melting pot of job applicants and clients. In addition, it’s a great way to network in your industry globally.
Add industry keywords to your profile headline so that people get a glimpse of what you do. On top of that, if possible, add an emoji so that the profile is noticeable on the feed but this shouldn’t be overdone.
Once you optimize your LinkedIn summary in this way, you appear in the recommendations section because of the algorithm.
7. Prefer writing your summary in the first person
Write your summary in the first person so that your audience can actually imagine being in the same room with you as you talk.
Using first-person creates a conversational tone that makes it easier for your audience to be drawn in and immersed in your story.
When you establish that command, then tell your story that sets you apart from other professionals in your field.
Sai Blackbyrn, the CEO of Coach Foundation says, “Let your guard down and your audience in by crafting a short engaging and authentic story that showcases who you are as a professional, your strengths, and what makes you memorable and interesting.”
8. Focus on a balanced personal branding
In recent years, digital marketing for brands and businesses – particularly in B2B markets – has shifted towards the necessity for employees and industry leaders to create a personal brand and create content themselves.
On LinkedIn this is especially true; the best thought leaders in most industries have a solid, active LinkedIn account where they connect and converse with hundreds of people in their industry every month.
A good LinkedIn profile bio is one part of this shift towards personal branding.
Your summary should be personal to you, describe what makes you tick, what you’ve done in your career and life, and what you want to achieve next.
You’re not confined by the restraints of a CV or cover letter – you can put your work life in context with your personal life, be yourself, and sell yourself.
9. Utilize LinkedIn Features in a smart way
The summary should be short and impactful. It should also be mindful of the LinkedIn algorithm by including relevant keywords within your text. Adding elements to the feature section such as a video, website or presentation can improve the impact of your LinkedIn profile.
These elements increase the amount of interaction on your LinkedIn profile. Whenever someone visits your profile, out of interest he or she can play the video you put there.
10. Update your employment status regularly
The purpose of a LinkedIn summary is to give potential connections and employers an overview of our professional history. The first thing to think about is our current position, and how that affects the things, we will summarize. What’s the primary function of our current situation? We should also have a section about what we have achieved in the past.
Updating your employment in your LinkedIn summary help your audience to know more about you. It adds new connections to your list as well.
LinkedIn summary examples from different industry persons
Enough of explaining the best practices. I know you want examples. Here, in the next section, I have mentioned the LinkedIn summary examples that will help you frame yours.
1. LinkedIn summary example of an SEO Consultant and CEO

Mladen Maksic is an SEO consultant and CEO at Play Media, a digital marketing agency. His summary clearly highlights the services, “My work focuses on SEO, search engine algorithms, marketing strategies, consultancy, project management, and business development.”
Also with a proper CTA at the end, one can directly approach his company if a visitor wants to do so.
Try yourself:
Make a raw draft of your LinkedIn profile summary. Insert everything that is important to you. Then try removing the clutter(unnecessary things from a job perspective). Try to describe your achievements (as a student or as an employee). Check out if you are satisfied with the outcome.
2. LinkedIn summary example of a Real Estate Salesperson

With a professional profile photo and well-suited heading, Tel Shelef, a Realtor and Co-Founder at CondoWizard, has clearly won my attention as a visitor on his profile.
Coming to his summary, he has kept proper divisions of content with Pitching Line, background, hobbies and passion, professional skills, and latest work updates. His summary is very clear and elegantly presented.
Try it yourself: With this summary, you have clearly got the idea of diving your content into proper sections. Divide your summary into multiple sections. If you are having difficulty doing that, put content in at least three separate paragraphs.
3. LinkedIn summary example of a Social Media Manager

LinkedIn displays results based on the keywords present in the LinkedIn header and the summary when somebody searches about any job role.
Digital marketing freelancer and social media strategist Jamila Lotia has clearly optimized her profile header containing the most search keywords matching her profile.
The summary is supporting the header with proper facts from her past word and reviews of the persons she has worked with. She has also mentioned few important things in her post over Linkedin optimization.
Try it yourself: Find the important keywords from your summary that highlight either your current employment status, or education level, or position in any startup, etc. Then put these keywords in your header section. You can also try looking at the profiles of the persons who are appearing in top search results.
4. LinkedIn summary example of a Client Service Administrator

This is also a good conventional method of writing a LinkedIn summary. You write your summary in a way that you mention related questions regarding the services you provide.
Phoebe Blair has adopted this method in a way if somebody goes through her summary, he or she might strike at one question and might want to talk about that. She has clearly highlighted her role as a social media executive and client service administrator at Thompson Alexander.
Try it yourself: If you are in such a position and do not want to write a boring summary, take inspiration from the above. Enlist the potential questions related to your summary. Arrange them in a progressive order. Write a resolution providing the service. And combine everything to complete your LinkedIn profile summary.
5. LinkedIn summary example of a Passionate Technical Marketer

One unique thing which you can focus on in this summary is the rating of a specific skill set and a famous quote from sherlock homes. The Founder of Lupage Digital and a technical marketer, Mr. Francis Angelo Reyes has a short but effective LinkedIn summary.
You can also observe the Featured section in which he has mentioned links to his website. In a way, providing a point of interaction to the visitors.
Try it yourself: Till now you have seen many different kinds of summaries. The above one is also unique. At this stage, go through your LinkedIn connections and try to find out which summaries your find interesting and why? Is there anything missing in their profile? Try to find out and then come back and explore further profiles.
6. LinkedIn summary example of an achiever

One of my close friends and a successful digital marketer, Harsh Mishra has a decent LinkedIn summary. He has also helped me a lot in this post.
His LinkedIn summary starts with a pitching line and ends with a clear CTA. In between is the achievements, explanation of skillsets in a well-structured manner. In this way, you grab the attention of the reader from the starting till the end.
Try it yourself: Sharing a little bit of background adds a little emotion to the summary. Then moving forward with your achievements and success stories resonates with your personality of what you are as a person.
I hope you have got plenty of ideas to try. Choose one idea or many ideas at once. Create a draft, edit it till you get a satisfying Linkedin summary. As a result, visitors will feel like they know you already.
Share your views in the comment box about the suggestions which you liked the most and adopted in your LinkedIn summary.
It’s so awesome man! Thanks for putting my profile.
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