Last updated on January 19th, 2022 at 06:45 am
Marketing and SEO go hand in hand. They are totally different specialties but have some common ground where they overlap. A business has to understand why a good website, with a properly optimized SEO, is important for them.
Marketing is a subject that many do not understand. When it comes to Digital Marketing, most small businesses really don’t understand it initially.
Digital marketing has become a big business. Many website design companies in the market have made fortunes for themselves and their clients. When marketing is executed correctly, it pays off in a big way. When it is done wrong it can be a huge waste of time and money.
Table of Contents
Ways to find most optimized marketing strategy
This depends upon many different facets of your business. It is one of the hardest points to communicate with someone.
Designing a marketing strategy is not a one-shot panacea. There are many things that must be done for a marketing strategy to work for your business.
Also Read: Important Pillars of Digital Marketing
It is important to get a better understanding of the superpowers of digital marketing
Let us take an example:
You have a small business or you are an entrepreneur with a brand new product. Ok, how do you market it? Here are a few things which you need to do:
1. In-depth Research of the product
This helps you build a basic outline on which you lay down your marketing strategies. You can ask a few questions to yourself like:
- Who is the target customer base of the product?
- What problem does the product is solving?
- How does it benefit them?
- Can they afford it?
- Is it cost-effective?
- Is the product save them time or money?
2. Reaching out to the correct audience
Now you have some idea who you can market to. The next thing is to find the platforms with your proposed active audience.
After that, you choose the most optimal communication medium. You can either choose direct marketing(offline marketing) like postcards, targeted direct mailing, cold calling, personal contact, fliers, brochures, pamphlets, etc. Or you can choose a more easy way of marketing, either building a website or digital marketing.
3. Choosing between Offline Marketing and Digital Marketing
Offline Marketing involves connecting to your audience via printed media or TV promos. For example direct mailing, a TV or radio ad. Most offline businesses don’t need anything else.
But for someone who has a web-based business, these aren’t enough. You need something that reaches the masses. You don’t have a product that is limited by your fuel tank, it can be delivered digitally or via mail.
Now we’re talking about building a website for your business that showcases what you produce. You need to find is the most important thing in website design. Proper research is what makes a good website for a small business
How does a website plays a vital role into digital marketing?
A website can prove itself to become a deciding factor to reach your audience. You can make separate product pages, promote yourself, track customer activity and use it for remarketing. A website helps in business growth in the long term.
With a live website, customers start trusting in your product, more importantly, your brand. Isn’t it great to retain your regular customer base?

Few problems with websites:
One is that usually you are required to put up with others’ ads on your website. Another is that you are the one doing all the work.
Yes, you know the ins and outs of your product but you are not a web designer or a professional writer. Writing articles and content on the internet is a specialty. There are reasons why people do this for a living; it’s because they know how to.
It is not just writing something down, it has to be constructed in a way that the Search Engines want it. Yes, you know what your product is and what its benefits are, but in the same way, you hire an ad company to write a specific ad for your business, you need someone who knows how to write content for the web to construct your articles.
Words of advice for new business website design
When you start a website design for your own business, there’s a whole new space of work. You can’t handle everything on your own. So, it is advised to have someone look over your website. But don’t worry. Here are a few website design must-haves which you can take care of:
What do marketing and promotion do to bring you business?
One of the biggest misconceptions I’ve seen people get confused about is believing that by doing one thing, that should be the source of new business.
This is flat-out wrong. What I mean by this is that you pass out business cards with your information on them, logically you’d expect that anybody who contacts you, got your business card and wants to do business with you. This is incorrect thinking.
Markting Strategy is a broad shoot
A marketing strategy and campaign are what is known as a broad shoot. You spread the word about your business and services as far and wide as possible so that when someone gets your card it reminds them that they saw your TV ad and they call you.
You want that broad shoot to spread your message across as much territory as you can get. It doesn’t matter that you spend the money on one area and don’t feel you are getting a response.
How do you know it isn’t supporting another one of your promotional campaigns? The fact is, you don’t. That’s why it is called a marketing strategy: it is many things working in conjunction to drive more business in so that you can expand.
It brings you the audience from different channels
Some businesses even try to track where they get their new customers from. This is pure folly really. You can ask a person where they heard about you. Usually, it is the last place they heard your name, but that doesn’t mean they didn’t hear it 10 other times from other sources. What they tell you is just what they remember.
Some will tell you that direct mail doesn’t work, others that cold calling is too difficult and not worth it, etc. Some will tell that they have adopted some strategies to attract online customers.
They tell you this so that you will buy into their marketing program and for no other reason. Some will recommend what works for them, which is fine, but it doesn’t mean it will work for you.
I have many friends that own their own businesses and every single one promotes differently, gets their customers in a different way and some of these business owners are in the same line of work! My point is that you have to find the strategy that works for you and working with a professional who actually knows what they are doing is the best strategy of all.
The outcome reflects the correctness of your efforts
Is there anything that you are doing wrong? Well, sure, if you are in the business of selling cars and all your promotion says you repair houseboats. You can have a flat-out wrong promotion, but in the marketing world, it is all a numbers game
The more traffic you get the more sales you’ll get. On the web, the more relevant traffic you get, the more sales you’ll have and that is the name of the game!
In order to get the leads you want, you must have a website that is designed well, optimized properly, and then marketed properly. You achieve this by working with a professional web designer to build a properly SEO’d website and a competent digital marketer who knows what he is doing.